许多介入治疗的操作最好引导方式是CT或X线透视。其固有的局限性是对医生和病人的辐射暴露。除了穿着铅围裙等防护服装,CT透视引导的操作时,通过在病人成像平面下方设置铅屏风降低散射,医生所受电离辐射的暴露可以进一步减少,或应用机器人的“臂”【26】。修改影像程序也用于减少电离辐射的暴露。例如,降低管电流、管电位以及减少射线时间(time the beam)直接地减少辐射暴露。较新的剂量减少技术如CT介入时的角波速调制正在被研究之中【32】。另外,导航软件和融合图像的应用也减少介入操作所需要的时间,也间接地减少射线的暴露【102,103】。所有以上这些特征在肿瘤介入治疗的影像引导领域的积极研究是重要的。
26. Silverman SG, Tuncali K, Adams DF, Nawfel RD, Zou KH, Judy PF. CT fluoroscopy-guided abdominal interventions: techniques, results, and radiation exposure. Radiology 1999;212(3):673–681. 32. Hohl C, Suess C, Wildberger JE, et al.. Dose reduction during CT fluoroscopy: phantom study of angular beam modulation. Radiology 2008;246(2):519–525.
102. Stoeckelhuber BM, Leibecke T, Schulz E, et al.. Radiation dose to the radiologist’s hand during continuous CT fluoroscopy-guided interventions. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2005;28(5):589–594.
103. Efstathopoulos EP, Brountzos EN, Alexopoulou E, et al.. Patient radiation exposure measurements during interventional procedures: a prospective study. Health Phys 2006;91(1):36–40.