Conversion -convert unresectable to resectable
Conversion: Randomized Studies using Chemo +/- Anti-EGRF,Cetuximab or Panitumumab
P= Panitumumab *kras wild type **only liver pt Red=significant 研究之一【1】
Unresectable liver metastases: HAI FUDR + systemic
研究之三:Resection after Chemotherapy
Conversion Therapy What Do We Know ?
1. 术前治疗3个月的期限限制 2. 不追求最好的治疗反应,而是切除性 3. 如果应用贝伐单抗,外科术前6周停止使用 4. 抗EGFR药物和肝动脉灌注可能是最好的选择 1. Falcone A. ASCO June 2013. 2. Nancy E. Kemeny, Fidel D. Huitzil Melendez, Marinela Capanu, Philip B. Paty, Yuman Fong, Lawrence H. Schwartz, William R. Jarnagin, Dina Patel, and Michael D'Angelica. Conversion to Resectability Using Hepatic Artery Infusion Plus Systemic Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Unresectable Liver Metastases From Colorectal Carcinoma. JCO Jul 20, 2009:3465-3471; |