低剖面,0.014“ 快速交换球囊,直径在5-5.5-6mm之间,长度在2cm左右。球囊充盈前肌注阿托品1mg。 支撑架释放后应避免极度球囊扩张以防止脑栓塞,特别是在复杂斑块影像的情况下。
After stent deployment extreme balloon dilation should be avoided to prevent late embolization especially in case of complex plaque morphology.
Embolic events occurrence after 6 hours is caused by material arising either from the stented area or from aortic arch manipulation or from the
Stents with small meshes should be preferred to prevent late passage of particles through the meshes.
Before removal of the protection device an attempt should be made to “wash the stent” to remove the particles attached to it.
动脉痉挛不应被认为是技术并发症,因为他可以通过局部注射Nitroglycerine 成功解决。
Arterial spasm must not be considered a technical complication because it can be solved successfully with local injection of Nitroglycerine。