子宫弛缓的危险因素包括多产妇(high maternal parity)、绒毛膜羊膜炎、长期使用催产素、全身麻醉,以及导致子宫扩张增加的情况,如多胎妊娠、羊水过多、胎儿巨大儿和子宫肌瘤。
Risk factors that can lead to uterine inversion include excessive umbilical cord traction, short umbilical cord, and fundal implantation of the placenta.
Genital tract trauma risk factors include operative vaginal delivery and precipitous delivery.
Retained placenta and abnormal placentation are more common if an incomplete placenta is noted at delivery, a succenturiate lobe of the placenta is present, or if the patient has a history of previous uterine surgery.
Coagulation abnormalities are more common in patients presenting with fetal death in utero, placental abruption, sepsis, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC), and in those with a history of an inherited coagulation defect.
在国际上有一个被称为“产科出血工具包2.0(OB Hemorrhage Toolkit V2.0)”,它的出血工作组开发了改善产科出血反应工具包,以帮助产科医生、临床工作人员、医院和保健机构在其设施内制定方法,及时发现和有组织的快速应对出血。 产科出血工具包2.0指出: 分娩时出血、有PPH史、红细胞压积小于30%、出血倾向或凝血功能差、胎盘病态附着或分娩时有低血压或心动过速的患者,入院时为PPH的高风险
Vascular supply of the uterus
子宫的侧支循环 圆韧带 |