消融相关结直肠癌转移的自然病史(Natural history of CRC metastases in relation to ablation)
关于局部治疗的生存期报告 1. 外科治疗是结直肠癌肝转移的局部治疗也是射频消融治疗的一面镜子 外科作为肝转移癌传统治疗的方法,结果如何呢?下列Meta分析 外科:结直肠癌肝转移的局部治疗【1】,46个研究,9934例患者,随访范围17~99个月。 39项研究为肝切除(N=8485),7项研究为根治性肿瘤消融(伴或不伴肝切除)N=1449例 中位生存期:28-59月 5年整体生存(42篇文献涉及):7~58%(med=36,24个研究)
100pts with 507 CRC mets【5】
Reporting/comparing survival
Timing of RFA within the disease history
(Machi J, Cancer J, 2006; 12 : 318-326)
Evaluate results according to "treatmentline"
Avoidto treatprogressive patients100ptswith507CRCmetsMedianOverallsurvival:28mthsRFAbeforeanychemotherapy(medOS:48mths)RFAafterchemotherapy(residualorprogressive):(medOS:22mths)Natural historyof CRC metastasesin relation toablationTobecomparedwith1stlinechemotherapy?
Ruers ASCO 2010 CLOCC trial
.2. Abdalla EK, Vauthey JN, Ellis LM, Ellis V, Pollock R, Broglio KR, Hess K, Curley SA. Recurrence and outcomes following hepatic resection, radiofrequency ablation, and combined resection/ablation for colorectal liver metastases. Ann Surg. 2004 Jun;239(6):818-25; discussion 825-7.
3. Ruers TJ, Joosten JJ, Wiering B, Langenhoff BS, Dekker HM, Wobbes T, Oyen WJ, Krabbe PF, Punt CJ. Comparison between local ablative therapy and chemotherapy for non-resectable colorectal liver metastases: a prospective study Ann Surg Oncol. 2007 Mar;14(3):1161-9. Epub 2006 Dec 31. 4. .Berber E, Tsinberg M, Tellioglu G, Simpfendorfer CH, Siperstein AE. Resection versus laparoscopic radiofrequency thermal ablation of solitary colorectal liver metastasis. J Gastrointest Surg. 2008 Nov;12(11):1967-72. 5. Machi J, Oishi AJ, Sumida K, Sakamoto K, Furumoto NL, Oishi RH, Kylstra JW. Long-term outcome of radiofrequency ablation for unresectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer: evaluation of prognostic factors and effectiveness in first- and second-line management. Cancer J. 2006 Jul-Aug;12(4):318-26. |