最近发现疾病分类学上新的血管疾病被称为慢性脑脊髓静脉功能不全(chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency,CCSVI),被认为与多发性硬化(multiple sclerosis ,MS)关系密切[1]。 脑静脉系统的解剖概要 脑静脉系统(Cerebrovenous system ,CVS)是一个三维结构,经常不对称而且其解剖变异远多于动脉解剖[5]。CVS的主要组成为硬脑膜窦和脑静脉[6~8]。来自于脑半球的静脉流出道由两种不同的血管系统组成[9]: (1)浅静脉(皮质)系统,由皮质静脉到达硬脑膜窦,引流皮层和皮层下白质的血流[7,10]。 (2)脑深静脉(髓质或室管膜下)系统,由室管膜下静脉,脑内静脉,基底静脉和Galen大脑大静脉及其分支组成,引流深处白质和侧脑室和第三脑室旁灰质血流[7,11]。 脑静脉系统的示意图
皮层系统的引流途径 大脑中浅静脉(superficial middle cerebral vein)沿侧裂池(Sylvian cistern)走行,引流颞前叶,旁外侧裂皮质和前下额叶的血流[12],随后流入海绵窦、蝶顶窦或翼状丛[13,14]。 其由
2. Franceschi, C. (2009) The unsolved puzzle of multiple sclerosis and venous function. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 80: 358. 3. Zamboni, P, Menegatti, E, Galeotti, R, Malagoni, AM, Tacconi, G, Dall'ara, S, Bartolomei, I, Salvi, F. (2009b) The value of cerebral Doppler venous hemodynamics in the assessment of multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Sci 282: 21-27. 4. Zamboni, P, Menegatti, E, Bartolomei, I, Galeotti, R, Malagoni, AM, Tacconi, G, Salvi, F. (2007) Intracranial venous hemodynamics in multiple sclerosis. Curr Neurovasc Res 4: 252-258. 5. Schaller, B. (2004) Physiology of cerebral venous blood flow: from experimental data in animals to normal function in humans. Brain Res Rev 46: 243-260. 6. Hassler, O. (1966) Deep cerebral venous system in man: a microangiographic study on its areas of drainage and its anastomoses with superficial cerebral veins. Neurology 16: 505-511. 7. Meder, JF, Chiras, J, Roland, J, Guinet, P, Bracard, S, Bargy F. (1994) Venous territories of the brain. J Neuroradiol 21: 118-133. 8. Muizelaar, JP. (1989) Cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume, and cerebral metabolism after severe head injury. In Textbook of Head njury, Becker, DP, Gudeman SK, Ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders PA, pp. 221-240. 9. Andeweg, J. (1989) Intracranial venous pressure, hydrocephalus and effects of cerebrospinal fluid shunts. Child’s Nerv Syst 5: 318-323. 10. Aydin, IH, Tuzun, Y, Takci E, Kadiolu, HH, Kayaolu, CR, Barlas, E. (1997) The anatomical variations of sylvian veins and cisterns. Minim Invasive Neurosurg 40: 68-73. 11. Ono, M, Rhoton, AL Jr, Peace, D, Rodriguez, RJ. (1984) Microsurgical anatomy of the deep venous system of the brain. Neurosurgery 15: 621-657. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.